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Jesus commissioned His Church to go to every nation, tribe and tongue and teach all He said and bear witness of all He has done for us. ACrossMission pastors have gone and many are suffering in poverty and some face persecution.


Through ACrossMission the Church gathers to support these pastors and the result is thousands of people are hearing the Gospel and returning to God. Where the Church helps the pastor and his family survive, God's mission to His people thrives.


Will you support pastors in poverty?

Through ACrossMission thousands of people are hearing the Word of God. There is a thirst to read the Bible, but Kiswahili Bibles are scarce and expensive.


With your support ACrossMission freely supplies the Bible. God's Word is active and effective. As we read and study scripture we meet God and learn all He has done for us; we hear of His desire to redeem His people and of His offer of salvation.


Will you give the gift of God's Word? 


The  Gift of Love
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In the Bible God asks an important and challenging question: If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no compassion for them, how can the Love of God be in that person? At ACrossMission we feel the needs of the poor as deeply as we feel our own needs. Our desire is to reveal God's Love by Loving them.


With your support ACrossMission freely supplies the food and other necessities of life. God Love is reveal by our compassion for others. 


Will you feed and care for the poor?  



Among people who are resistant to the Gospel we must be patient. This is especially true among women who are vulnerable to the traditional religions and ways of their tribe and clan. Pastors' wives work to build relationships with mothers and daughters in these communities and to communicate God's Love through those relationships. Among the tribes women faces many challenges and rites of passage that are difficult for us to comprehend. This fund helps Christian women "who have been there" to minister among women and share the Gospel.


Will you stand with

marginalized women? 


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Contact Information

Canada                            Tanzania

​613-386-3585                            +255 754 677 886 

P.O. Box 403                               P. O. Box 227

Odessa, ON                                 Musoma, Mara

Canada, K0H 2H0                       Tanzania

A Cross Mission Organization 83786 6797 RR0001.

© 2015 by A Cross Mission Organization. 

All photographs and video images of people on our website and social media are used with full consent.

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