17th day of Advent December 19th, 2017 Acts 3:17 - 4:4
What great Love we are given in Jesus. Peter recounts our sin and guilt - a guilt that leads us to crucify the Lord of life - Jesus Christ. Peter walks us through Scripture showing us that the words of the prophets had all been fulfilled in Jesus. Peter shows us our sin in the words of Holy Scripture. All we had done was announced through God's prophets.
Then Peter goes on to talk of Jesus in the most interesting language. Jesus is the One who is appointed to redeem us - to freely lay down His life for us. Such was His abundant Love that He would endure our sin for us. Now, He sits in heaven until God`s time is fulfilled and He will come to restore creation; again, just as is spoken through the prophets.
Peter reminds us that though we are guilty, because of God's Love for us, we remain heirs of hope; meaning that we will inherit Life as promised in Scripture. Through Jesus, God's covenant with Abraham is unfolding and all people on the earth shall and are receiving Gods blessings (see also Gen.22:18).
Dear brothers and sisters, we acknowledge our ignorance, we acknowledge our guilt, we acknowledge our weakness and sin and God's response is Love. God gives us the blessing promised to Abraham - restoration of all peoples on earth regardless of their color, tongue, rich or poor, to right relationship before God. God gives us the ultimate blessing of His Holy Spirit in Love to guide and teach us and restore us to life in Him (3:19;2:38).
May God bless us and encourage us as we continue witnessing Him in all the world.
Μαραναθα, be blessed
Guest Blogger: Mchungaji Canon Mwita Ezekiel Hami
The Diocese of Tarime, Anglican Church of Tanzania.
Rev. Ezekiel is a passionate evangelical minister of the Gospel, holder of the Christian Education Desk in Tarime region and a recent graduate of Uganda Christian University.
He has a heart for the Kuria people and especially for the plight of women and children in that pagan culture. We thank God for providing such a teacher among the Kuria.